How To Get The Most Of Your Virtual Visit
Virtual Visits are a great way to have questions and concerns about your health addressed at a time where face to face interactions are not possible. While these virtual visits are not able to completely take the place of all in person interactions, there are some ways in which you can maximize the experience to get the most of your visit.
Telephone visits
Our providers are offering telephone visits to help treat problems that do not require physical contact, like symptoms of a cold for instance. You can schedule a telephone visit with a primary care doctor by calling one of our health centers, much like you would for any other appointment. Be sure to be as direct as possible in explaining your primary complaint to the scheduling staff. This will assist them in preparing your doctor for the visit.

Once on the provider’s schedule, your doctor will call you on the phone number you provide at the time of scheduling. Our doctors will call from the health center number, so please make sure that are expecting and are able to answer this call.
These calls typically last around 15 minutes, so make sure you are able to be in a quiet area with no distractions during this time. We recommend that you put together a list of the symptoms you are experiencing or requests that you may have before the appointment and prioritize them so that you can go over these with the doctor during your appointment.
Video Visits

Some of our specialists are offering video visits for concerns that require the provider to physically see what the problem may be. During these visits, you will be scheduled for either a Zoom visit, or a video phone call through a platform called Doximity.
During these visits, your provider will be holding a video conference with you through the camera on your device, so please make sure you are comfortable to be on the video.
These visits will require you to ensure that your device is set up to accept these appointments. Please be sure to test your Zoom meeting through the link that will be emailed to you prior to the scheduled visit time, or be sure that the phone number the doctor is calling you on for the Doximity visit is attached to a device with a camera.
These visits typically last around 15 minutes, so make sure you are able to be in a quiet, well lit area with no distractions during this time. We recommend that you put together a list of the symptoms you are experiencing or requests you may have before the appointment and prioritize them so that you can go over these with the doctor during your appointment.